However Mecha Frieza and King Cold are defeated by the pair, though his uncle Cooler and Cooler's Armored Squadron arrive avenge the honor of the Frieza Clan. Main article: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Missionĭue to an anomaly, as Mecha Frieza and King Cold are about to be defeated by Beat and Note, Kuriza arrives with his two henchmen to back up his father and grandfather. This demonstrates that Kuriza is also similar to his ancestor Chilled as both are known to care for family. Similar to his uncle, Kuriza becomes dedicated to restoring the honor of the Frieza Clan after Mecha Frieza and King Cold are defeated by the DBH Team, to the point of transforming into his True Form and requesting to fight alongside his uncle to restore their family's honor as well as his own for failing to to prevent the defeats of his father and grandfather. In World Mission, the anomalous game world Kuriza is shown to care for his father and grandfather, as well as having respect for his uncle Cooler whom he respectively calls 'Uncle Cooler'. Unlike other members of his family, he is not especially evil, and has a fit when the manga runs out of pages before he has a chance to show off.